Kickfannie Bold Leadership

by Julie Jakopic

Becoming Fearless

As entrepreneurs, we often face situations that would scare others and sometimes scare us. By stepping out to create our own businesses, often from scratch, we take the risk that the market will respond and want what we create, or not. We invest our resources in creating our own opportunities. We are different. But that doesn’t mean nothing scares us. For most of us, something does. Maybe it’s pitching the business to new clients. Maybe it’s the daunting responsibility for our family or those of the people that work with and for us. Maybe it’s the risk of a new product or business line. Maybe it’s even that we’ll be successful and our lives will change.

It’s not fashionable to admit to fear, but when faced with it, we can either carry it around with us and waste energy on it, or face it so we can stop being afraid. Here are six strategies for facing it.

1. Chunk it all down.

Sometimes fear is really just overwhelm in disguise. Too much to do in too little time with too few resources. So break it all down into the smallest steps and then start with just one step.

2. Determine the worst case.

What is the worst possible outcome? Can you live with it? If not, how can you manage or change it?

3. Assess the real risks you can measure.

Every situation has risk. Some are unknown, like how others will behave. Some are known, like actual costs. What risks are you facing that you can measure?

4. Manage the risks you can, accept the risks you can’t.

Once you have a sense of the known and measurable risks, you can design strategies to manage those risks. But many are unknown or not easily measured. Assess those as best you can and then make a decision about whether you can live with them.

5. Decide to live with and use the fear.

Once you identify it and label it, you can manage it. Fear is usually on some level just information, a warning bell. Sometimes warning bells are alarms that require an evacuation of a building, sometimes they are symbols that make sure we check our work and drive us forward. Sometimes a little fear can be exhilarating and motivating. How can you use your fear?

6. Forgive yourself in advance

As entrepreneurs we face risks on a regular basis. We mostly believe ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained.’ We live in a culture that fears failure, but sometimes we lose. It’s part of the work. So assume you’ll make some mistakes on the road to success. Know you’ll deal with your mistakes, dust yourself off, and move forward. You can go ahead forgive yourself now.


About the Contributor

Julie Jakopic has been helping leaders succeed since she tutored her friends in math in third grade. Today, Julie’s on a mission to help build the new paradigm of business where leaders thrive at home and at work, lead from purpose and create profits and positive impact in the world. Julie founded iLead Strategies to help leaders and change agents across sectors transform their vision into reality.

For additional information on Julie check out her website at

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